AASCU designed this messaging toolkit in response to the negative discourse surrounding the value of a college degree and to articulate the value proposition of regional comprehensive institutions through impactful, consistent messaging aimed at key stakeholders including federal and state policy makers, journalists, and prospective AASCU students and their families.
The toolkit is currently available to presidents and chancellors, CCOs, and presidential assistants. We will re-evaluate usage of the site in the first six months to determine whether to make it available to other AASCU members.
We would love to hear from you as we evaluate usage of this toolkit. Please get in touch.
Please get in touch with your suggestions. We are always looking for ways to improve this toolkit to help AASCU and AASCU institutions tell our story.
Helpful lists and additional resources are available in this toolkit by clicking on Related Resources.
Yes. Those who currently have access to this toolkit may share it with their colleagues. Read more in our Site Usage Policy.